• Jalan Bunga Sedap Malam XVIIIc No. 10 Medan Selayang, North Sumatra, 20131 Indonesia
  • +62 (61) 8201922
  • Jalan Bunga Sedap Malam XVIIIc No. 10 Medan Selayang, North Sumatra, 20131
  • +62 (61) 8201922


To protect orangutans and their forest habitat in Sumatra is our VISION


We believe the realisation of the VISION is to carry on MISSIONS :


  1. To protect and conserve orangutans population by restoring their degraded forest homes, at the same time mitigates human-orangutan conflict in Sumatra
  2. To build community engagement by involving them in awereness activities, habitat restoration, forest patrol in conservation area, and human-orangutan conflict mitigation activities
  3. To help community living around orangutan habitat by providing alternative livelihood thorugh sustainable farming
  4. To build active and sustainable collaboration with resprective government institutions, as well as with other organizations at national and international level, towards law enforcement for forest for forest-related crimes